luft's potassium permanganate fixativeの例文
potassium permanganate
The breath sample was then pumped through an acidified potassium permanganate solution. Oxidants such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and potassium permanganate have been used. Potassium nitr......

potassium permanganate method
Cod industrial circulating cooling water determination of the chemical oxygen demand potassium permanganate method Method for chemical analysis of tin - base bearing alloy - part 3 : potas......

potassium permanganate test
Should the brown colour not disappear, possibly due to the presence of an alkene which does not react, or reacts very slowly with, bromine, the potassium permanganate test should be perfor......

color fixative
Sodium nitrate is also a food additive used as a preservative and color fixative in cured meats and poultry; it is listed under its INS number 251 or E number E251.

dye fixative
Even today it is still used in some places as a mordant ( dye fixative ).

But the image is not set until the fixative is applied. Fixative is used to prevent pencil and crayon marks from smudging. Second, a fixative typically protects a sample from extrinsic dam......

fixative solution
Bouin solution is a common picric-acid-containing fixative solution used for histology specimens. The brush is removed and placed directly in the fixative solution. Sodium barbital and bar......

fixative spray
"You don't want it to come off on other people, so I also use a fixative spray for hold ." However the fixative spray typically uses chemicals that can harm the respiratory system, so it s......

pastel fixative
Certain manufacturers produce fixatives specified for a certain media only, such as soft pastel fixatives.

perfume fixative
Derivatives of butyryl chloride are used in manufacturing pesticides, pharmaceuticals, perfume fixative, polymerization catalyst, and dyestuffs.

polyvinyl alcohol fixative
A minimum of three stool specimens having been immediately fixed in polyvinyl alcohol fixative, sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin fixative, or Schaudinn's fixative should be submitted, a......

zenker fixative
Zenker fixative is preferred, although formalin fixed tissue can be used. If this is the case, the tissue should be mordanted in Zenkers solution before staining . Most texts recommend mor......

ammonium permanganate
Ammonium permanganate decomposes slowly in storage even at normal temperatures. Quaternary ammonium permanganate compounds can be prepared, such as tetrabutylammonium permanganate. "' Ammo......

barium permanganate
Potassium permanganate, sodium permanganate, and barium permanganate are all potent oxidizers. It can be also prepared in a similar way from barium permanganate and ammonium sulfate.

calcium permanganate
Also the firm of Hellmuth Walter at Kiel had been commissioned by the RLM to build a rocket engine for the He 112, so there were two different new rocket motor designs at Neuhardenberg : w......

Pertechnetate is analogous to permanganate but it has little oxidizing power. Scientists also found that permanganate could be used on chlorinated solvents. Permanganate based ISCO started......

permanganate index
Water quality - determination of permanganate index Water quality - determination of permanganate index Water quality - determination of permanganate index The technical requirement for wa......

permanganate ion
The permanganate ion actually has a net charge of-1; it's really MnO 4 -. Americium compounds with oxidation state + 4 and higher are strong oxidizing agents, comparable in strength to the......

permanganate method
Cod industrial circulating cooling water determination of the chemical oxygen demand potassium permanganate method High - chlorine wastewater - determination of chemical oxygen demand - po......

permanganate number
Pulps . determination of the permanganate number Pulps determination of permanganate number Pulps - determination of permanganate number

permanganate of potash
It appears in the Wise Garden Encyclopedia of 1936 and has quite a long entry in the 1960 Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening, a volume so out of date that it encourages gardeners to str......

permanganate oxidation
The presence of a thiazole ring, along with an adjacent ?-methylated phenylalanine, was established by ninhydrin staining, potassium permanganate oxidation, and comparison to synthetic sta......

permanganate salt
It is the conjugate acid of permanganate salts. Permanganate salts can also be generated by treating a solution of Mn 2 + ions with strong oxidants such as lead dioxide ( PbO 2 ), sodium b......

permanganate test
Should the brown colour not disappear, possibly due to the presence of an alkene which does not react, or reacts very slowly with, bromine, the potassium permanganate test should be perfor......

permanganate tests
Should the brown colour not disappear, possibly due to the presence of an alkene which does not react, or reacts very slowly with, bromine, the potassium permanganate test should be perfor......